Monthly Origami No. 572 (May 2023 issue)


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Product name: Monthly Origami No. 572 (May 2023 issue)
Size: A4 judgment about 210mm x 297mm x 4mm
Number of pages: 52 pages (1 part color)
Maker: Nippon Origami association

Children's Day Children's Day

① Kintaro, Kuma (Creation: Yuka Umino)
② Iris (Ayame) Creation: Yuka Umino
③ Shoki -sama (creative: Makoto Okada)
④ Helmet (Creative: Yukihiko Matsuno)
⑤ Helmet (Creative: Yukihiko Matsuno)
⑥ Azalea (Creative: Manabu Ichikawa)
⑦ Deformed Kazauguruma (Creative: Akiko Kawate)
⑧ Rabbit, Inunu, cat, bear, Aka -chan (Creative: Yuko Tsurumi)
⑨ Carnation leasing (creative: Noriko Sumita)
⑩ Coupling case (creative: Akiko Kawate)
⑪Byobu tradition


① Original instructor's tiger volume (2) Kendama (created: Shizuo Saito)
② Countdown 6 to 50 years of NOA establishment
③ Let's Origami in English (89) Carp streamer (created: Nao Handa)
④ Branch tour (10) Kagawa branch
⑤ Let's play with me !!
⑥ Origami Gallery No.387 2022 Introduction of Orikami Carnival Winning Works
⑧PIAZZA NOA (reader square)
⑨ Everyone's work exhibition
⑩ Satoshi Takagi Introduction 57
⑪ Origami Garden
⑫ Noah Books Introduction